Hutton Lowry, President
Richard Lowry, Vice President
Aaron Daniel, Senior Superintendent
Joshua Carroll, Assistant Superintendent
Lowry Construction Services, Inc.
formerly Lowry & Hemphill Construction Company, Inc.
Established in 2013, LCS is committed to collaborative construction. With deep roots in the competitive bid market, LCS has added a Construction Management division to better serve our clients in Northeastern Oklahoma. Using streamlined management and a focused motivated team, LCS is dedicated to guiding clients through the development, construction, and completion of their project. No officer or principal of LCS has failed to complete a project, nor accessed liquidated damages.

City of Tulsa - Commercial Contractor Prequalification Class B & C
Certified Infrastructure Development Process Contractor
Construction Specifications Institute - Member
Infragard - Member
State of Oklahoma - Registered Construction Manager
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality - Class D Waterline Operator
City of Broken Arrow - General Contractor's License
City of Owasso - Pre-Qualified Civil Contractor